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Category Archives: Featured Ministry

Reaching Out – One Idea at a Time

GFIC Jan Outreach Ministry resized

But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. – 1 John 3:17-18

As the new year begins, GFIC Jesus prepares for another year of reaching out to the community, both locally as well as internationally. The team leaders get together monthly and share the many great ideas they hear from the congregation. We encourage everyone who has an idea to bring it forward, so we can determine if we can make it happen.

Would you like to share some of your ideas? What would you do to reach out and help someone? Please come join our congregation and share your ideas and your love for our beloved Lord and Savior! Everyone is welcome!

Share Your Gifts!

GFIC Dec Gifts Article

GFIC Jesus has many gifted and talented people in our congregation. We have singers, greeters, cooks, and security, just to name a few! We are reaching out to children and adults who are gifted in playing any type of musical instrument, or have any other gift they would like to share.

AS GFIC Jesus continues to grow, we would like to include you in our ministry. Do you have a gift or a talent you’d like to share? If so, give us a call, or join us for any of our regular worship sessions or special events. Don’t be shy! Step out and let your light shine! We would love to have you.

Ministry Spotlight – GFIC Jesus Choir

GFIC Nov Ministry Spotlight

The GFIC Jesus choir comes together as one voice for the Lord. Our choir has practiced on numerous occasions for the congregation and most importantly for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As they sing together, the sounds their voices create join in harmony to share the beauty they each have in the Lord.

The GFIC Jesus Choir will be performing its Christmas concert in December, so stay tuned for the dates and details and plan to join us for a joyful celebration!

You can experience the beautiful music by joining our regular church choir in early 2016. The love you feel in the choir will amaze you. Everyone is welcome!

Ministry Spotlight: Youth Ministry

GFIC Oct Youth Min

Good news travels fast… For several months, Pastor Tony has felt we needed something for our young adults. Well, Praise the Lord! Pastor Odell has stepped into the gap. In just a few short weeks he has started to remodel their class to fit their needs and began putting a curriculum together!

The group for the youth (ages 12-18) is off to a great start. We are in the process of setting up a space JUST FOR THEM! The next generation of the mighty ones is called The Journey – the first step on that path is to know “Who Am I.” When the Lord begins to move He doesn’t waste time! Thank you Jesus!!

Join us for a fun time in the Lord each Sunday following Praise and Worship!

Ministry Spotlight: GFIC Jesus Choir

GFIC SEPT Min Spotlight

Do you sing while you are in the shower? Do you sing along with the radio as you are driving to work? If so, have you ever thought about singing in the choir? We welcome you to sing with us!

This year we plan to worship the LORD with a Christmas Cantata! We want to put on a full blown musical with costumes and songs to worship Him!

To be ready for Christmas, we need to begin preparing now. We intend to start practice within the next few weeks. Keep watching this webpage and “mark your calendar” portion of the bulletin for updates!

Featured Ministry: The Salvation Army

Our Featured Ministry for July is The Salvation Army. This month, GFIC Jesus is going to collect food and hygiene items for our local Salvation Army. They have a need for items to refill their food pantry shelves. Would you help out and support our local branch?

This week we are collecting vegetable canned food items. Please bring food and put it in the wagon at the front of the Sanctuary. We will drop off items each week.

Thank you for your support! To learn more about our local branch, visit:

Ministry Spotlight: GFIC Nursing Home Ministry!

Our featured ministry for this month goes to… GFIC Nursing Home Ministry! This ministry has been a breath of fresh air to many retirement communities.GFICJesus

It has been Pastor Tony’s vision to reach all ages and walks of life. The geriatric population is no exception.

Each week, we bring a fresh and encouraging word to 3 different retirement centers in the metroplex.

“I want them to know they are not forgotten… God has not left them and neither have we.”Pastor Tony

Do you share the same passion as we do? Would you like to help us reach out?

We currently visit:

The Tuscany at Goldmark on Wednesday 1-2pm

The Villas of Seagoville on Tuesday 10-11am

The Villas of Hickory Estates on Thursday 11-12pm

To join the team or simply visit, email us at