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Rejoice In The Lord Always

Even when you don’t feel like it…

Rejoice in the Lord always
And again I say rejoice
Rejoice in the Lord always
And again I say rejoice
Rejoice, rejoice
And again I say rejoice
Rejoice, rejoice
And again I say rejoice

Do you remember that song from Sunday school? It’s still one of my favorites to this day. So much so that I even sing it in “big people” service! Even with such simple lyrics, it’s message is quite profound. Because you know what?Sometimes it’s hard to rejoice. Sometimes, you just have one of those days. And other times it seems like you’re having one of those weeks, or months, or years…and these are the times you might not feel up to rejoicing.

GFIC Oct Feature

I remember a period of time in my life when things just seemed so hard…so long…so difficult. Everything was more complicated than expected – even things that should have been easy, weren’t. In fact, nothing was easy! Finally I had ENOUGH—I threw my hands up to the Lord and said, Where’s my freakin’ easy button? I mean really, what had I done to deserve this kind of treatment??? I was being a good and faithful servant, I was giving so much of my time to the service of others that I didn’t have anything left for myself, I mean I was being a saint! So, why? Why me?

After patiently waiting for my tantrum to die down, God put something in my heart that I hadn’t thought of in ages…

You can choose to say:

Good morning God!
good god, morning (uuughhh…)

Every morning it’s up to me. It’s my choice either way, but I guarantee you, choosing the first option makes for a much better day – even the hard ones.

Truth is, we are all just mortals living in a temporary home. Sickness, turmoil, troubles and grief are all part and parcel of our place here. There will be days, weeks, months, and yes, maybe even years, that will seem to drag by at an aggravatingly slow and weary pace.

But remember, we are supposed to be rejoicing in the LORD, our Father who waits for us in our real home, and is preparing a place for us at His table—not this earth and all the trials that go with it!

Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you,
but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven. – Luke 10:20

Believe me, the only thing worse than a bad day is…a bad day with a bad attitude. I don’t want you to think that I’m preaching down at you. It’s quite the opposite – I know what it’s like to struggle. I know what it’s like to wake up in the morning and wish you could just pull the covers back over your head. What I really want, is to remind you that there is still something to rejoice about, even in your darkest hours.

So my friend, what will you say tomorrow morning?

✦ A Special Note from Pastor Tony ✦

Listen, I understand how it feels to have those awful, terrible, no-good days. I wanted to share a few scriptures that help pull me out of rough patches and back to rejoicing in my Lord. Print them out, tape them up where you can see them first thing in the morning, even carry a copy in your wallet!

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:6-7

The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by his love; He will exult over you with loud singing. – Zephaniah 3:17

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. – Matthew 11:28-30

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. – John 16:33

Everyone is welcome,

Pastor Tony Hoult

Ministry Spotlight: GFIC Jesus Choir

GFIC SEPT Min Spotlight

Do you sing while you are in the shower? Do you sing along with the radio as you are driving to work? If so, have you ever thought about singing in the choir? We welcome you to sing with us!

This year we plan to worship the LORD with a Christmas Cantata! We want to put on a full blown musical with costumes and songs to worship Him!

To be ready for Christmas, we need to begin preparing now. We intend to start practice within the next few weeks. Keep watching this webpage and “mark your calendar” portion of the bulletin for updates!

A Message of Hope

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes;
there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.
There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. – Revelations 21:4

Depression. I have dealt with it on many levels—I’ve experienced it personally throughout my life, I’ve watched it encroach upon the lives of family members, friends, and many members of my congregation.

With September being Suicide Awareness month I believe it is important that we as a church start tackling this big and tough topic and start taking a closer look at something most everyone has struggled with: hopelessness.


Hopelessness is one of the single, most powerful clinical predictors of suicide. You see, most people who commit suicide don’t really want to die, they just want to stop hurting. Hopelessness can leave even the strongest person feeling as if there is no way out, that there is far too much damage to ever be repaired, that death is truly their only means of escape.

I want to challenge my congregation: let’s stand together and fight against hopelessness. We can revive the Spirit of hope within ourselves and our community by uniting as messengers of the Lord and spreading His promises of a better tomorrow.

I want to challenge my congregation: let’s stand together and fight against hopelessness. We can revive the Spirit of hope within ourselves and our community by uniting as messengers of the Lord and spreading His promises of a better tomorrow.

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
– 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

If you think a friend or family member is considering suicide, you might feel uncomfortable bringing up the subject, but talking openly about suicidal thoughts and feelings can save a life. If you’re struggling with depression don’t let shame or pride keep you from reaching out to the people who love you. And remember, the feelings of hopelessness do not last forever, even when you cannot see hope, God’s love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope.
For who hopes for what he sees?
But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. – Romans 8:24-25

There should be no shame or blame when we talk about depression and thoughts of suicide. Give yourself and the people in your life the gift of unconditional love, just as our Father has. I leave you with one more Scripture, and it is my prayer for you.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. – Romans 15:13

✦ A Special Note from Pastor Tony ✦

Did you know that over 30,000 people a year commit suicide in the United States alone, and there are 25 attempts at suicide for every one success? Up to 80% of people who have struggled with depression and suicidal ideation in the past were not being treated for their psychiatric condition near the time of their death by suicide. If you suffer from depression and past suicidal thoughts or attempts, it is critical that you seek out care from a mental health professional. Please contact us at 214-498-3692 for additional resources and support. If you are currently thinking about committing suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (open 24 hours a day) at 1-800-273-TALK

Everyone is welcome,

Pastor Tony Hoult

Purpose and Destiny: Part II

The Power of I Am

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
– Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Your mortal mind and existing perceptions can be the biggest roadblock standing between where you are and where God has preordained you to be. Last month I talked about having to “let go and let God” in order to receive the righteous plan He has for you. But giving God control doesn’t mean you just sit back and do nothing! In fact, you play a very important role in bringing His plans into fruition.

GFIC - AUG -  Featured

Right now you’re using your conscious mind to read these words and absorb their meaning, but beneath that mental focus, your subconscious mind is busily working behind the scenes, absorbing or rejecting information based on the perceptions you have of the world around you. When you have an experience that conflicts with an already established belief, your subconscious mind will either reject it or reframe it so it goes along with your existing view of reality.

This means that your mind will work against God’s promises of prosperity, health, and joy if they are not in alignment with your preconceived beliefs.

Your subconscious mind has immense power in controlling your life experiences: from the types of food you eat to the actions you take each day, the level of income you earn, and even how you react to stressful situations. Every time someone called you stupid, worthless, slow, lazy, or worse, your subconscious mind just stored the information away for reference. You may also have received messages about your potential in life or limitations based on your physical abilities, skin color, gender, etc. The good news is that God is more powerful than man (and mind). He has chosen you, not according to good or bad works, not according to your circumstances, not according to where you are in life right now, but according to His own purpose.

Then Moses said to God, “Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I will say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you.’ Now they may say to me, ‘What is His name?’ What shall I say to them?” God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.'”
– Exodus 3:13-14

God is I AM THAT I AM. You are created in His image and you are I AM. You help shape your destiny by the things which you attach to that I AM. When you say “I AM,” you are announcing the presence of God within you.

Start Today

  • Begin proclaiming your birthrights as a child of Christ, following your “I AM” with God’s promises. This is such a crucial step in breaking through those mental roadblocks that are keeping you from living the life God intends you to have!
  • Word your proclamations in the present tense. Say “I AM confident and successful” rather than “I will be confident and successful” because focusing on a future condition does not compute with your subconscious mind – it knows only this moment. Also, use positive statements (saying “I am not a failure” is processed as “I am a failure” since your subconscious cannot process negatives).
  • Call up the corresponding feelings. Saying “I am wealthy” while feeling poor only sends conflicting messages to your subconscious. Whatever words you’re saying at the time, strive to feel the corresponding emotions because your subconscious will be more apt to believe it.

Battling against the flesh can be challenging sometimes, but remember what the Bible tells us in John 4:4, Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. Amen!

Everyone is welcome,

Pastor Tony Hoult

Ministry Spotlight: Bible Study

GFIC - AUG - Ministry Spotlight

Does it seem like a long time between Sundays to you? Do you need that extra boost to get you through the week? If so, join us on Wednesday night!

We start the night off at 6PM with prayer. We share praise reports and prayer requests with one another until 6:55PM.

At 7PM, we break off into three groups for Bible study. Pastor Tony is conducting a class on God’s Word Works. Pastor Jan is teaching on Righteousness. Pastor Kay’s class is all about The Book of John.

Each class is enlightening and very informative. These classes help us to understand the word of the Lord and are instrumental in growing in His grace and love.

Join us!

Featured Ministry: The Salvation Army

Our Featured Ministry for July is The Salvation Army. This month, GFIC Jesus is going to collect food and hygiene items for our local Salvation Army. They have a need for items to refill their food pantry shelves. Would you help out and support our local branch?

This week we are collecting vegetable canned food items. Please bring food and put it in the wagon at the front of the Sanctuary. We will drop off items each week.

Thank you for your support! To learn more about our local branch, visit:

Purpose and Destiny: Part I

Receiving the Righteous Plan God has for You

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
– Romans 8:28 (NIV)

If you didn’t get a chance to read last month’s post on how to start living the life God intended you to have, I encourage you to click on the link above because this is an important step, really the foundation of opening yourself up to God’s plan for you.

Many of us wonder through life searching for our place in the world. We often find ourselves on the wrong path or feel like we’re not living out our true destiny. Have you ever felt that little “tickle” inside, like an uncomfortable scratch that you just can’t reach?

You know God has a righteous plan for you, but no matter how hard you try, it always seems like you come up short.

Does the above statement ring true? Read it one more time… but no matter how hard you try, it always seems like you come up short.

The destiny God has planned for you is bigger and better than anything you could possibly imagine. You just have to stop trying! Listen, this is His plan, and no one knows how to execute a plan better than the creator, and so (take a big sigh of relief) this is out of your hands. The Creator of all things has chosen you, not according to good or bad works, not according to your circumstances, not according to where you are in life right now, but according to His own purpose.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
– Proverbs 3:5-6

I know you’ve heard the old saying, let go and let God… Are you ready to let go and receive the righteous plan God has for you?

If you’re ready, please join me in the following prayer:

Father of Glory, I ask for the spirit of wisdom. Enlighten the eyes of my understanding that I may receive the revelation of Your calling. I understand that this is a lifelong journey, and I surrender my will to You and commit to doing whatever it is You desire of me. Grant me with the assurance and clarity of Your purpose, and the riches of my destiny as Jesus’ inheritance; and the exceeding greatness of Your power. I praise you Lord, for giving me whatever graces, patience, and stamina it takes to live out Your righteous plan for me. Amen!

This is where we started, but definitely not where we’re stopping! Keep your eye out for next month’s Purpose and Destiny: Part II, The Power of I Am

An Extraordinary Life

How to Start Living the Life God Intended You to Have

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
–1 Corinthians 13:13

Last month we talked about God’s love for you and today I will continue on with the subject of love, but more specifically, the importance of love for one another.

The Bible tells us (Isaiah 53:2) that while He walked this earth, Jesus “…had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him”. But people were drawn to Jesus! His loving and compassionate demeanor captivated strangers and spoke louder than any words could.

The same applies to you and me. Whether an acquaintance or loved one, the different kinds of relationships we have are part and parcel of our life in this world. God created us out of love, and our actions towards one another should emulate His love for each and every one of us. As followers of Christ, it is up to us to share this message —not through words, but by becoming a living testimony of the loving God we serve.

But how do we get there?

Imagine your body as a great vessel. How it appears on the outside inconsequential, but the inside holds the substance of what makes you…you.To start living the life God intended you to have, you must first empty your vessel. Why? Because God can only fill us up once we’ve relinquished our own opinions and personal agendas. But watch out! Once He starts pouring, He doesn’t stop!

As God begins to manifest His tender compassion through us, we can literally feel His love coursing through and overflowing outside of ourselves. This phenomenon is exactly what drew the crowds to Jesus, and it also gave Him the strength to fulfill His destiny—His miraculous provision, saving us.

Of course it’s exciting to tell people about our Father and all He’s done for us, and by all means, continue spreading the Good News! But if you’re interested in living an extraordinary life, living at your best and highest purpose, you must quiet your own voice and allow God to speak to the hearts of others.

Everyone is welcome,

Pastor Tony Hoult

Ministry Spotlight: GFIC Nursing Home Ministry!

Our featured ministry for this month goes to… GFIC Nursing Home Ministry! This ministry has been a breath of fresh air to many retirement communities.GFICJesus

It has been Pastor Tony’s vision to reach all ages and walks of life. The geriatric population is no exception.

Each week, we bring a fresh and encouraging word to 3 different retirement centers in the metroplex.

“I want them to know they are not forgotten… God has not left them and neither have we.”Pastor Tony

Do you share the same passion as we do? Would you like to help us reach out?

We currently visit:

The Tuscany at Goldmark on Wednesday 1-2pm

The Villas of Seagoville on Tuesday 10-11am

The Villas of Hickory Estates on Thursday 11-12pm

To join the team or simply visit, email us at

God Goes Out of His Way to Love You

Yes, Even You….

God’s love for us is so great, that while we were yet sinners, He went out of His way and sent His only Son to save us.

There’s not much to debate when it comes to the underlying message of God’s Word. The Greek word GFIC JesusAgape is used in the Bible to express the love that God has for us. It is the ultimate and most self-sacrificing love that there is. Agape is what was displayed on the cross by Jesus Christ. In John 3:16 it is written that “God so loved (agapao) the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” You see, God sent Jesus, not to condemn you for your sin, but to save you—His beloved and precious child.

When Jesus came to us, He sought out all people. Good or bad, He went out to all places and never turned anyone away. When He walked this earth, He did so with everyday people. Sinners, the helpless, the harassed and the rejected all found comfort in the compassion of Christ.

Jesus came to earth and lived in a human body just like you do. He understands you. He knows the pressure, the pain and the temptations you face everyday. He hears your cries and pities and every one of your groans. Even in the midst of despair, God is with you. Even when the world isn’t loving you, Jesus is still loving you!

You don’t have to clean up your life before seeking out the Lord. He wants to meet you where you’re at. Our Father goes out of His way to pick you up, (regardless of where you’re at) and guide you to the life He intended you to have. If you’re waiting for acceptance, forgiveness and understanding – you’re waiting for something you already have. He’s already died for your sins. He loved you before, He loves you now and forever. But it’s up to you to let Him in!

Once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are a new creation in Christ! Jesus has given those who believe in Him the Holy Spirit, who enables us to be constantly changing into His image. Who cares who accepts you or rejects you if it’s not Jesus? Stop putting your faith in people, and begin putting it into the One who loved you first. Remember what He is doing in you – cleansing you, refining you, healing you, and above all, loving you.